Making of Pakistan Question Answers

Descriptive Question Answers from Chapter No 02 “Making of Pakistan” for class 9th, IX, Ninth Class


Making of Pakistan Question Answers

Q.1: Describe Shah Waliullah’s Revivalist Movement?

He was born on February 21, 1703 and died on August 10, 1762. HIs fathWs name was Shah Abdul Rahim, who was well known scholar and a religious leader. Shah Waliullah mastered the major branches of Islamic learning at the age of 15. He became the Shaikh of Madrassah Rahimiya in Dehli at the age of 17. He was a great scholar and reformer of the sub-continent.

BACKGROUND OF SHAH WALIULLAH’S MOVEMENT:Making of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies IX
The Muslims ruled the sub-continent for more than one thousand years acting upon the golden principles of Islam especially justice. However, they started deviating from these principles with time. Aura ngzaib Alamgir was the last pious emperor. He died in March 1707. The wave of religious and moral degradation swept the Muslims of the sub continent after his death. Shah Walìullah analyzed the causes of the downfall of the
Muslims and concluded that it was due to the increasing Influence of the non-Muslims so he started movement for the revival of Islamic teachings and values.

The key points of Shah WaliUllah’s revivalist movement are as under:
  • Reawakening the Muslims: The military strength of the Muslims had collapsed they                      were at the mercy of Jats, Marhatas and Sikhs. Shah Waliullah created awareness in
                       the Muslims about the dangers of losing their status. He told the Muslims to abide by
  •  Letters to the Muslim Rulers: He wrote letters to the Mughal emperor, the Nizam of
                        Hyderabad Deccan, Rohila Sardar Hafizul Malik Najibuddula and the Afghan ruler
                        Ahmed Shah Abdali to save the Muslims from the atrocities of the tribal might of Jats
                        and Marhatas.
  • The end of Marahata’s might: Ahmed Shah Abdali attacked India in 1761 and defeated
                        Marhatas at the third battle of Panipat and crushed them.
  • Translation of the Holy Quran: To help the people understand the Quran, he translated
                       the Quran into Persian first of all. Later his son Shah Abdul Aziz translated the Quran
                        into Urdu.
  • Literary work on Islam: He wrote books on Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqha),
                       Tafseer (exegesis). His most famous work is ‘Hujjatul Baligha’. It tells us that Islam is a
                        universal religion. It guarantees progress and prosperity to the whole mankind.

Describe the struggle of Syed Ahmed Shaheed in eliminating the social evils from the
Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?
Write In detail about Syed Ahmed Shaheed’s Tahreek-e Mujahideen (the struggle of
Freedom Fighters).
He was born in Rai Bareilley in 1786. He was much inclined to military training. Then he
devoted himself to social services too. He received religious education from Shah
Walliullah’s son, Shah Abdul Aziz. He was martyred on May 6, 1831. His Movement is
known as Tahreek-e-Mujahideen (The Struggle of Freedom Fighters).
Ø  To preach Tauheed (Unicity of God).
Ø  To revive Islamic teachings.
Ø  To establish an Islamic state ¡n the sub-continent.
Ø  To save the Muslims from non-Islamic values.
Ø  To preach Jihad (Holy War) against evil forces.
Ø  Efforts To Eliminate Sikh Domination In Punjab And Khyber Pakhtun Khwa:
Syed Ahmed gathered troops by touring different areas around River Jamuna. He came
to Syed Sibghatullah Shah (Pir Pagara)in Sindh for help who sent a strong contingent of
his followers called ‘Hurs’ with him. Shah Ismail Shaheed along with his thousand
followers also joined him.

Ø  Battle At Akora:
Syed Ahmed Shaheed reached Nowshera (Khyber Pakhtun khwa) and made it his
headquarter. The first battle with Sikhs started on December 21, 1826 near Akora. The
Sikhs were defeated.

Ø  Battle At Hazro:
The second battle was fought at Hazro in which Sikhs were again defeated.

Ø  Conspiracies Against Syed Ahmed Shaheed:
Syed Ahmed’s movement was initially successful. Pathan tribes joined the Jihad
movement and the number of mujahiddeens rose to 80,000. Syed Ahmed was given
the status of Amir-ul-Mominin and Islamic laws were enforced in the areas under his
control. Soon conspiracies were made against him. Maharaja Ranjit Singh bribed Sardar
yar Muhammad and his brother Sultan Muhammad Khan to plot against the Khilafat
(Caliphate) of Syed Ahmed.

Ø  Battle At Balakot:
Syed Ahmed made Balakot his headquarter. He wanted to end Sikh domination ¡n
Punjab. The final battle took place at Balakot. Syed Ahmed got martyrdom fighting with
the Sikhs on May 6, 1831. Shah Ismail was also martyred. Thus Syed Ahmed Shaheed
movement came to an end. He is appreciated even today. For his struggle for the
revival of Islamic society in the subcontinent.

Describe Haji Shariatullah Faraizi Movement?
He was born In Faridpur, Bengal, in 1761. He went to Makkah and stayed there for twenty
years. He received religious education there. He returned to Bengal in 1802. He found his
countrymen in a very bad state especially with reference to religion.

He asked the Muslims to follow the injunctions (Obligation or Faraiz) of Islam so his
movement is called Faraizi movement.

Ø  To Follow The Islamic Injuctions (Faraiz):
Haji Shariatullah advised the Muslims to act upon the basis injunctions or Faraiz of
Islam, e.g. five time prayers, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, etc.

Ø  To Eliminate NonIslamic Customs:
The Muslims were involved in non-Islamic customs and traditions due to the influence
of Hindu majority in India. Haji Shariatullah tried to eliminate these customs through
his movement.

Ø  To Develop SelfConfidence In The Muslims:
In the beginning Haji Shariatullah faced many obstacles and problems. However, his
movement created self- confidence among the Muslims and his movement spread
throughout Bengal.

Ø  To Protect The Rights Of Muslim Tenants:
In 1840, Haji Shariatullah died. His son, Muhammad Mohsin alias Dudu Mian became
the leader of Faraizi Movement and made it more effective. He became a champion of
the rights of Muslim tenants in Bengal who got rid of the persecutions of Hindu

Ø  Effects Of Faraizi Movement:
As a result of Faraizi Movement, the religious and moral condition of Bengali Muslims
was improved a lot. The rights of Muslim tenants were protected to a great extant. The
Bengali Muslims started refraining from non-Islamic traditions and customs. Thus
Faraizi movement was very successful. All the credit for the success of this movement
goes to Haji Shariatullah and his son Mohsin Khan alias Dadu Mian. This movement put
the Muslims on the right path of Islamic teachings.

Write down the objectives and achievements / salient features of Aligarh Movement?
The Muslims ruled over India for more than a thousand years. Then the British took power
from them. They considered the Muslims their opponent and enemy The Muslims
became victims of the British after the War of Independence in 1857. On the other hand
the Hindus joined the British and made great progress. Sir Syed Ahmed khan thought of
awakening the Muslims by his movement called Aligarh Movement.

Ø  General Awareness:
Sir Syed Ahmed tried to create awareness in the Muslims to accept the ground reality
that they were being ruled by the British. He asked the Muslims to look at their present
and plan for their future.

Ø  Establishing Goodwill With The British:
He asked the Muslims to maintain friendly relations with the British. He also tried to
remove the misunderstandings of the British about the Muslims especially with
reference to the cause of Indian Revolt of 1857 also called the War of Independence.

Ø  Motivation For Modern Knowledge:
He also asked the Muslims to seek knowledge and to learn English so that they could
get higher education and make progress.

Ø  Non-Confronted Politics:            
He asked the Muslims to refrain from indulging in politics until the relations between
the Muslims and the British become good. He asked them to concentrate on getting
education only at this moment.

Educational Services:
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan believed that modern education was necessary for the progress of
the Muslims. For this purpose, his services are given below.

Ø  Scientific Society:
He set up a Scientific Society at Ghazipur in 1862 which was shifted to Aligarh later on.
This society translated western books into Urdu.

Ø  Establishment Of A School, College And University:
He set up a school ¡n Aligarh on the model of Cambridge University (England). This
school was later upgraded to M.A.O. College. This college became a university finally
called Aligarh Muslim University.
Social Services:
Ø  Friendly Relations With The British:
He wrote “Causes of Indian Revolt” and “Loyal Muhammadans of India” to create
good-will between the Muslims and the British.
Ø  Favours For The Muslims:
The Muslims got jobs, got back their confiscated properties and they were included ¡n a
number of programs for development.
Outline the mainPnifeaturesof the Two-Nation Theory?

In the historical perspective of the sub-contipit, n theory means despite a
common country the Hindus and the Muslims }e two separate nations. This theory is the
basis of ideology of Pakistan. The following leaders promoted the two-nation theory.

Ø  Sir Syed Ah med Khan:
He was the first Muslim leader who used the term “Nation” for the Muslims of the sub
continent because of their separate religious entity, their distinct civilization,
philosophy, culture, moral iàlues ahd concept of economy.

Ø  Quaid-E-Azam:
He said, “India is neither a country nor its inhabitants a nation. This is a sub-continent
where many nations live. Among those, Hindus and Muslims are two important

Ø  Allama Muhammad lqbal:
In 1930 at Allahabad, Allama Iqbal demanded for a separate homeland for the Muslim
majority provinces of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtun khwa, Sindh and Balochistan where they
could practice Islam.
Ø  Chaudhary Rehmat All:
In 1934, Chaudhary Rehmat All named the lqbal’s dream for a separated homeland as

Ø  Other Muslim Leaders:
Jamaluddin Afghani, Abdul Halim Sharar, Ashraf All Thanvi and a number of other
Muslim leaders also put forward the two-nation theory at various times after the War
of Independence of 1857.

Ø  Basis Of An Ideology Of Pakistan:
The two-nation theory developed with the passage of time. In 1868, Sir Syed said
openly that the Muslims and the Hindus were two different nations and they could not
merge together. Later on, all the great Muslim leaders including Allama lqbal and
Quaid-e-Azam put forward the same theory. The two-nation theory provided the basis
of the ideology of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being on the basis of this theory and got
independence on August 14,1947 as the largest Muslim nation of the world.

When and why was Muslim League established? What were the aims and objectives of
the establishment of Muslim League?

Nawab Salimullah Khan of Dacca convened a meeting at the end of annual Muhammadan
Educational Conference in Dacca in 1906. The meeting was headed by Nawab Waqar-ul
Mulk and attened by Muslim scholars like Maulana Muhammad All Johar, Maulana Zafar
All Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan and some other prominent leaders. They discussed the
problems of the Muslims in general and the situation created by the Hindus after the
partition of Bengal (1905). It was decided to set up a political party to safeguard the rights
of the Muslims of the subcontinent. All India Muslim League was established on
December 30, 1906 in Dacca. Aligarh was made its headquarter. Sir Agha Khan was elected
its president and Syed All Hassan Bligrami its secretary general. Soon after its
establishment, Muslim League became the most popular political party of the Muslims of
the sub-continent.

Ø  Establishment Of Friendly Relations Between The Muslims And The British:
To establish friendly relations between the Muslims and the British and to remove
misunderstandings between them was one of the main objectives of Muslim League.

Ø  Co-Ordination With Other Nations:
Another objective of Muslim League was to make Coordination with other nations and
political parties of the sub-continent.

Ø  Protection Of Muslims’ Rights:
To protect the rights of the Muslims with the co-operation of the government and
other political parties was also an important objective of Muslim League.

Ø  A Platform For The Muslims:
Muslim League provided a platform for the Muslims to struggle for their rights and to
attained freedom from the British. It was necessary for the Muslims to have a political
party for themselves as Congress had become the political party for the Hindus only.

Describe the role of Muslim League in the Struggle for Pakistan?

Since its establishment in 1906, Muslim League became a platform for the Muslims of the
subcontinent to struggle for their rights and to get freedom from the British. The role of
Muslim League in the struggle for independence is given as under.
Ø  Protection Of Muslim Rights:
To safeguard the rights of the Muslims of the sub-continent, Muslim League showed a
balanced attitude. On the one hand, ¡t struggled to improve relations between the
Muslims and the British government and on the other hand, it joined with the Hindus
to take the British out from the sub-continent.
Ø  Political Settlement With Congress:
Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in 1913. It was due to his efforts that Muslim
League and Congress made Lucknow Pact ¡n 1916, iN which Congress accepted a
separate status for the Muslims and a separate electorate for them.

Pakistan Studies Ninth Class Descriptive Question Answers From Making of Pakistan Adamjee Coaching Centre , National Coaching Centre, Sir je Coaching Centre,Notes From Class 9th Pakistan Studies
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Making of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies IX

Descriptive Question Answers from Chapter No 02 “Making of Pakistan” for class 9th, IX, Ninth Class


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