ALLAMA IQBAL Short Question Class ix,

Chapter # 7 (Short Question Answers)

Alla ma Iqbal - Question Answers - English IX
Short Question Answers from “Allama Iqbal” for class 9th, IX, Ninth Class

Q 1: What do you know about Allama Iqbal's education?
Ans : After completing his early education in his home town Sialkot, Allama Iqbal went to Government College, Lahore in 1895. He passed M.A. in 1899 from the University pf Punjab in 1905, he left for England for higher studies and got a law degree from London. In 1908, Munich University awarded him Ph.D. degree for his work on Persian philosophy.

Q 2: Allama Iqbel was a philosopher Comment?
Ans : Allama Iqbal was well-versed in philosophy, both eastern and western—He pointed out the defects in some of the philosophical systems of the west. He also got a doctorate degree from Munich University for his work on Persian philosophy. He' also put forward the philosophy of Pakistan and asked Quaid-e-Azam to make it a reality. 

Q 3: What was Allama Iqbal's political role in the creation Of Pakistan?
Mama Iqbal took an active part in politics 'and, worked for the Muslims of South Asia courageously. He was elected president of the Punjab branch of the All India Muslim League. In his presidential address Of Muslim League meeting at Allahabad in 1930,he made a definite demand for a separate state of the Muslims of South Asia.

Q 4: What were the main points of Allama Iqbal's address Of 1930 at Allahabad?
India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, whose behavior is not governed by a common race feeling.
  • The principle of European democracy thus cannot be applied to India.
  • I would like to see the Punjab ,NWFP, Sind and Baluchistan united under a single Muslim state because the Muslims are anxious to have a separate state.

Q.5: What did Allama Iqbal say about Islam in his Allahabad address?
Ans : Allama Iqbal said, "l have learnt one lesson from the history of the Muslims. At difficult moments in their history it is Islam that has saved Muslims and not Muslims that have saved Islam. If today you put your faith in Islam, you will become strong and united once again and save yourselves from complete destruction.

Q 6: Why did Allama Iqbal want a separate state for the Muslims of India? Why did Allama
Iqbal demand for Pakistan?
Ans :  Allama Iqbal was fully aware of the problems of Indian Muslims. He knew very well that the Hindus would never allow them to develop freely. He wanted to save Muslims from the rule of non-Muslims. The Muslims awoke from their sleep as a result of Iqbal's efforts.

Q 7: Why is Allama Iqbal respected all over Pakistan?
Ans : Allama Iqbal played a major part in the creation Of Pakistan. He made a definite demand for Pakistan for the first time in 1930. Afterwards he convinced Quaid e-Azam to work for the independence. He is, therefore, respected for his great contribution towards making Pakistan. 

Q 8: Write down a few sentences on Allama Iqbal.
Ans : Allama Iqbal was a great poet, philosopher and politician. He believed that faith in Islam made the Indian Muslims one nation,separate and apart from the Hindus. He always advised Muslims to remain true to their faith. He played a major role in the creation of Pakistan.

Q 9: Allama Iqbal was a very good Muslim. Comment?
Ans : Allama Iqbal had great love for Islam and was completely devoted to it. Both his prose and poetry reflect this devotion. He saved the Muslims from the slavery of the Hindus. He also had a great love and respect for the Prophet (peace be upon him). 

Q. I0: How did Quaid-e-Azam praise Allama Iqbal on his death?
Ans: The Quaid said, "To me he was a friend, a guide and a philosopher and during the darkest moments through which the Muslim League had to go, he stood like a rock." The Quiad appreciated his services for Pakistan whole-heartedly.

Q. 11: How was Pakistan Resolution passed?
Ans: The Muslims awoke from "their sleep as a result of Iqbai's efforts. They all wanted a separate Muslim state. The Muslim League representing the whole of Muslim India met in Lahore and passed a resolution on March 23, 1940. A separate State for the Muslims Of India was demanded in Lahore Resolution. This resolution is now known as the Pakistan Resolution. 


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