The Voice of God - Question Answers - English 10th

The Voice of God - Question Answers - English 10th
Question Answers from Chapter No 01 The Voice of God’ for class 10th, X, Matric class

The Voice of God
The Voice of God - Question Answers - English 10th
Q.1: What does the poet mean to say I dwell among the people”?

Ans: God loves all His creatures specially man most of all. Man is His most beloved creation.
Therefore, we should not separate ourselves from people.

Q.2: Why did God tell die poet to go down again?

Ans: To love one’s fellowmen is the best way to win God’s love. God loves those people who
are caring and loving to other people. If we want to be dose to God, we should love
people and help them. God does not like those people who hate others and avoid them.

Q.3: Why did tile poet climb the steeple?
Ans: The poet climbed the steeple to be dose to God. The poet thought that by climbing up the
steeple he would be very near to God. However, we can be close to God only by serving
other people. Service is worship. To love and care for people is the best way to be close to

The Voice of God - Question Answers - English 10th
Question Answers from Chapter No 01 The Voice of God’ for class 10th, X, Matric class God.

Q.4: What is the message of the poem “The Voice of God”?

Ans: The message of the poem is that we should be very friendly and loving to other people.
This is one of the best things that a man can do. God is happy with that person who takes
care of and serves mankind.

Q.5: What do you learn about the poet after reading the poem?

Ans: The poet seems to be a good and religious person and he had a natural bent towards
religion. He also seems to be very caring for people and wants others to do the same. He
thinks that this is the best way to win God’s love.

Q.6: Write something about the poet of the poem “The Voice of God”.

Ans: The poet of the poem “The Voice of God was Louis 1. Newman. He was an American
poet. After doing hs Ph.D. from Brown University, he started teaching at Columbia. F
wrote many books on religious subjects. The poem “The Voice of God clearly shows
religious bent of mind.

The Voice of God - Question Answers - English 10th  education for all


  1. this is awesome i eally i cant explain that how much happy i am right now this question answers and centrel idea etc are very very useful for me and i am he student of class matric am sooo thankful

  2. What is the concept of this poem?

    1. The concept of poem is to clear people about the presence of God the poem gives an idea to the readers that God is between the people inside their hearts God dosen't live on the steeple and on any other high place.. If u want to search God want to get Him u should come in peoples heart in order to get God..

      i hope u will find this helpful.

    2. Good effort!

  3. What is the meaning of the poem The voice of God?

  4. Please add paragraphs of all chapter


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