Abou Ben Adhem - Question Answers - English IX

Abou Ben Adhem - Question Answers - English IX
Short Question Answers from "Abou Ben Adhem" for class 9th, IX, Ninth Class 

What did Abou Ben Adhem see in the room when he awoke from deep sleep?
Abou Ben Adhem - Question Answers - English IXAbou Ben Adhem saw an angel in the room when he awoke from deep sleep. There was moonlight and peace in his room. An angel was writing something in a book of gold.

What did Abou ask the angel? What was angel's reply?
Abou asked the angel what he was writing. The angel said thathe was writing the names of those people who loved God. Abou asked if his name was there. On the angel's denial, he asked him to write his name as one who loves his fellowmen.

What did the angel show Abou Ben Adhem when he came the second time?
The next night the angel came the second time with a great wakening light. He showed Abou the names of those whom love of God had blessed Abou Ben Adhem's name was on top of the list. 

Why was Abou Ben Adhem's name on top of the list?
Abou Ben Adhem's name was on top of the list because God loves those who love their fellowmen. The reason for this iS that God loves all His creatures. Among all His creatures, God loves man most, Whoever loves God's creatures especially man, God also loves him.

What is the moral / central idea of the poem Abou Ben Adhem?
The moral / central idea of the poem is that we should love God's creatures especially mankind. It pleases God very much. Man is the most beloved creature of God.

Q.6:Write a few lines on James Henry Leigh Hunt.
J.H. 'Leigh Hunt was not only a poet but also a journalist and an essayist. He edited a weekly paper "The Examiner". He was born in 1784 and died in 1859. He was sent to prison for two years because he had criticized Prince Regent in his weekly paper. He went on editing the paper in the jail.

English Ninth Class Short Question Answers From Abou Ben Adhem

Abou Ben Adhem - Question Answers - English IX
Short Question Answers from "Abou Ben Adhem" for class 9th, IX, Ninth Class 


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