The Inheritors Question Answers English 10th

The Inheritors - Question Answers - English 10th
Question Answers from Chapter No 17 “The Inheritors” for class 10th, X, Matric Class
English Matric Class Short Question Answers From SAEC Coaching Centre Notes From Class 10th English Free Download

The Inheritors - Question Answers - English 10th
The Inheritors - Question Answers - English 10th

                                                            The Inheritors
Q.1: What property did the two brothers inherit from their father?

Ans: The two brothers inherited a cow, a date palm tree and a blanket.

Q.2: What was the suggestion of Azam about the division of the property?

Ans: Azam, the elder brother, was very greedy and clever. White Moazzam, the younger brother, was simple and trusting. Azam suggested that the front part of the cow and the lower part of the date palm are Moazzam’s. The blanket will he Moazzam’s for the whole day. Azarn also said that he made the division in favour of Moazzam.

Q.3: Why did Moazzam agree to the division?

Ans: Moazzam thought that it was a fair division, so he agreed to it. Moazzam believed in what Azam said. He thought that Azam was generous in giving the better part of the cow and the date palm and the blanket for the whole day.

Q.4: Who fed the cow and who got the milk?

Ans: Moazzam fed the cow because the front part belonged to him. Azam got the milk because the rear part belonged to him. Azam did not give even a drop of milk to Moazzarn, However, he appreciated Moazzam for feeding and looking after the cow so well.

The Inheritors - Question Answers

Q.5: Why did Azam not give dates to Moazzam?

Ans: According to the division, the top part of the date palm tree belonged to Azam. When the dates were ripe, he picked up dates. He did not give a single date to Moazzarn, while Moazzam regularly watered the date palm tree.

Q.6: Was the blanket of any use to Moazzam?

Ans: The blanket was not of any use to Moazzam, because it was hot during the day. At night, when it was cold, Moazzam would shiver. Azam enjoyed a deep and comfortable sleep under the warm blanket during the night.

Q.7: What did Moazzam do when Azam was milking tile cow?

Ans: Moazzam started hitting the cow’s head with a short stick. The cow started moving about and Azam was unable to milk the cow. Moazzam told Azam that he would do what lie liked with his part of the cow. Azam agreed to give half the milk and to share in the feeding of the cow.

Q.8: What did Moazzam do when Azam began to pick the dates?

Ans: Moazzam started cutting the trunk of the date palm tree when Azam began to pick the dates. When Azam asked Moazzam what he was doing with an axe, he said that he was only cutting his part of the tree. Azam agreed to give him half of the dates and to share in the watering of the tree.

Q.9: What did Moazzam do to the blanket?

Ans: Moazzam soaked the blanket in water. Azam was unable to sleep under the wet blanket at night. Azam agreed to share the blanket with Moazzam at night.

Q.1O: What did Azam say to Moazzam about the blanket?

Ans: Azam asked Moazzam why lie had made the blanket wet. Moazzam said that the blanket was his during the day, so he could do with it what he pleased. Azam had to agree to share the blanket with Moazzam at night.

Q.11: Who helped Moazzam to get his due share in the inheritance?

Ans: An old man of the village noticed how the younger brother was being cheated by the elder brother. The old man gave the younger brother wise advice. He acted on the old man’s advice and got his due share with his help.

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