An African Village-Question Answers-English 10th

An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th
Question Answers from Chapter No 15 ‘An African Village’ for class 10th, X, Matric Class

An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th
An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th

 An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th

Q.1: How many independent countries are there in Africa?
An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th

Ans: Africa is the second largest continent, It was once called the Dark Continent. There are more than thirty-five independent countries in Africa.

Q.2: Where is Nigeria?

Ans: Nigeria is in West Africa. Nigeria is the most thickly populated country in Africa. It is also the largest country in Africa.

Q.3: What sort of country Is Nigeria?
An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th

Ans: Nigeria is an agricultural country. Most of its inhabitants are farmers. These farmers live in villages.

Q.4: What is the bush area made of?

Ans: A great part of Nigeria s covered with a dense forest which thins out into bush. The bush
area consists of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth. The farmers’ villages are scattered in the bush where they cultivate the land.

Q.5: Where do most Nigeria farmers live?

Ans: Most Nigerian farmers live in villages. Villages are scattered in the bush. A Nigerian village
may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts

Q.6: A What ¡s the roof of a farmer’s hut made of? 
An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th

Thick branches of trees are stuck in the ground in a large circle. These branches are joined
at the top and bound firmly together. The spaces between the branches are filled up with
straw, and the roof is also thatched with a thick layer of straw, grass, reeds, or palm leaves.

Q.7: What is the center of activities?

Ans: The courtyard of the house is the center of all activities. Women work and cook food.
Children play in the courtyard.

Q.8: What are the food crops of Nigeria?

Ans: Close to the farmer? dwelling is a patch of land for growing food crops. Nigerian food
crops include: plantains, potatoes, yams, groundnuts, and pepper.

Question Answers An African Village - English 10th

Q.9: What are the cash crops of Nigeria?

Ans: The most important cash crops of Nigeria are oil palms and cocoa trees. The products of
these crops are the major exports of Nigeria. Nigeria earns foreign exchange by selling them to other countries.

Q.1O: Who tends the food and cash crops?

Ans: Women tend the food crops. Men tend the cash crops. It is easier to tend the food crops
than to tend the cash crops.

Q.11: What is made from cocoa beans?

Ans: The fruit of cocoa tree yields beans. Beans are ground into powder from which chocolate
is made.

Q.12: How is palm oil obtained? 
An African Village - Question Answers - English 10th

Ans: The fruit of oil-palm is boiled and pressed. It gives oil which is filled in drums.

Q.13: Why can’t tile Nigerian farmers keep the cattle?

Ans: Nigerian farmers can not keep the cattle on account of a kind of fly. This fly (Tse-Tse) kills
the cattle with its sting.

Q.14: What do you know about the huts of Nigerian villages?

Ans: Formerly a Nigerian hut was a single room. It has two or more rooms now. Some of the
huts are circular in shape while others may be square or rectangular. The walls are made
of wood and are plastered with mud while the roof is still thatched with grass, reeds, or
palm leaves.

Q.15: What do you know about Nigerian villages?

Ans: A Nigerian village may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts. These huts are
scattered in the bush where Nigerian farmers cultivate the land. The African villages arc
being introduced to the modern facilities of transport and communications.

Q.16: What do you know about the African fly?

Ans: The African fly is very dangerous. When it stings cattle, they die. It causes a sleeping
sickness in human beings. The African farmers can not rear cattle because of this fly. 

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