Casabianca - Question Answers - English 10th

Casabianca - Question Answers - English 10th

Question Answers from Chapter No 18 ‘Casabianca” for class 10th, X, Matric Class

Q.1: What do you know about Felicia Dorothea Hemans?
Ans: Felicia Dorothea Hemans was born in Liverpool ¡n 1793 and died ¡n 1835. There is ireat
enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral values. As a
Poet, she has been compared to Longfellow.

Q.2: What do you know about Casablanca?
Ans: Casablanca was a young and brave soldier. He was filled with the true spirit of a disciplined
soldier. He sacrificed his life in carrying out his duties. He did not run for his life in the face
of certain death.

Q.3: Why did Casablanca not leave the burning
Ans: Casablanca did not leave the burning deck because his father, the chieftain of the ship,
had told him not to leave the deck without his permission. Though he kept on asking for
his orders, he did not know that his father lay unconscious. He preferred death, but did
not defy the orders.

Q.4: What is the message of the poem? r
Ans: The message of the poem Casablanca ¡s that a disciplined and brave soldier never runs
away for life from a battle field. He obeys the orders of his chief and never defies them. He
is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his duty.

Q.5: Casablanca he true spirit of a soldier comment?
Ans: Casablanca shows all the characteristics of a soldier. A soldier must be brave and heroic.
He must obey the orders of his chief. He must never run away for his life from his post of


Q.6: .What do you learn about a battleship from this poem?
Ans: A battleship has many things in common with a civilian ship. It has a deck. It also has a
mast, helm and pennon. However, in contrast to civilians, it cannons are fixed on it.

English Matric Class Short Question Answers From Casablanca SAEC Coaching Centre Notes From Class 10th English Free Downloadeducation for all


  1. How the casabianca is right by standing on the burning deck give some points to prove that.

  2. Casabianca was a born hero and has a very strong and pleasant personality


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